Neko is aided by magnanimous individuals whose exquisite contributions elevate the endeavor. As a token of Neko's gratitude for their splendid craftsmanship, they will be enumerated in a CREDIT LIST as an acknowledgment of their invaluable assistance.
We deem it a symbiotic alliance, one of reciprocal advantage. Thus, we take pleasure in allowing them to etch an indelible imprint upon our recollections. We term it, MUTUALS. Let’s nurture this business connection well in the future.
Please copy this to make it easier for Neko to document Neko's partner data.
Your channel : Your account : Business type : Contact : (fill using your hfw/fw bot) Mutual's data :
They entrusted us with their confidence, and in turn, we upheld the integrity of our craft. A repository where our unwavering honesty resides, known as TESTIMONIALS, a testament to our rare fidelity and sincerity.