Here we go with the 2023 edition! I will update as we progress. Personally, I will give it my all. My strategy is to start with the bare minimum deposit (500$) and aim for a large multiplier (%). It is much better to start with the smallest amount to aim for big ROI. referral link to the Jalapeno troop:
If you got hit by this FTX event, you are not alone. Do not despair, although I understand it might hurt *a lot* to lose the money you worked so hard for. One way to view it when you hit rock bottom: if you lost an arm or a leg, would you not give up all your money to get whole again? There is hope, pleasures of life. I know what it's like to put all your focus on the negative, and fail to see any light. But it is not a realistic perspective and with time you come to see it. Stay safe and don't do anything stupid. Stay away from revenge trading, anything you have left is better than nothing.
After what happened, it is very difficult to trust any offshore entity holding clients funds while it is unclear how they manage and secure them. I would advise anybody trading on crypto derivatives to pull as much as they can, albeit on binance, bybit, kucoin, bitmex, crypto. com... Your funds are yours only if you self custody. Otherwise foreign entities have control of your money. Please keep your funds on exchanges to a minimum, and do not trade if you can not afford to lose your deposit wholefully. Personally, I keep my cold storage in bitcoin, and off exchanges. You can use trezor or ledger to facilitate (never buy anywhere but their official website). I only trade with 5-15% of my holdings on exchanges, which I am fully willing to lose. Even USDT I see it as a risk due to lack of transparency.