ره توشه های هلند

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+ تجربیات تحصیل در هلند + اخبار هلند +ارتباط با ادمین و ارسال مطلب: [email protected]
متن ایمیل هشدار آمیز دانشگاه #دلفت به دانشجویان درمورد ویروس #کرونا، سفر به کشورهای پرخطر ، نکات ایمنی و رعایت بهداشت فردی:

#Coronavirus update

As you know, there has been an outbreak of the coronavirus since December 2019. The following countries/regions are currently experiencing widespread transmission of the virus:

· #China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)

· #Singapore

· #Iran

· Some municipalities in #Italy: Codogno and surroundings, Sesto Cremonese, Pizzighettone, Soresina, Sesto San Giovanni, Pieve Porto Morone (Province of Lombardy) and Vo’ Euganeo, Mira (Province of Veneto).


We urge people who have just returned from China not to come directly to the university but to stay at home for 14 days. If during these 14 days you get a fever with respiratory complaints (coughing or shortness of breath), please contact your family doctor by phone and follow medical advice if necessary. For further information, see the list of frequently asked questions.

Other countries

If you have recently been to one of the other countries or regions mentioned above and you have a fever with respiratory problems (coughing or shortness of breath), please contact your family doctor (by telephone) and follow any medical advice; we urgently advise you to stay at home for 14 days in this situation. Report this to your supervisor or study advisor. If you have a specific question in relation to your work or studies and the coronavirus, discuss it with your supervisor or study advisor.

Information at:

TU Delft continues to actively follow the news and instructions from health authorities, makes the necessary preparations behind the scenes and provides further information when necessary. To this end, keep an eye on the list of frequently asked questions, which is continuously updated.


At the moment we strongly advise students and staff against traveling to China. Pending developments, the booking of trips to China through TU Delft has been stopped for an indefinite period of time. For current travel advice for other areas, please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Dutch); take this advice seriously.

Personal hygiene

In general, it is always advisable for everyone to maintain personal hygiene by frequently and properly washing your hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow (not your hands), and using paper handkerchiefs. TU Delft has taken additional cleaning measures, as can be read in the list of frequently asked questions.

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