MMAMV - Australia

Logo of the Telegram channel MMAMV - Australia
Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccines
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Currently in Far West NSW patients need to travel up to 1200km per week to access dialysis. This places unnecessary risk and burdens onto the patients and their families who not only deal with the challenges of their health but are placed under further duress by way of organising travel (without a vehicle or licence), trying to manage their time away from home (households are reliant on their stable presence to function), costs associated with a 400km plus round trip (fuel and meals) and the normal risks of travel in the outback, such as animal strikes, fatigue and extreme weather. The majority of these patients are Aboriginal, live below the poverty line, deal with chronic illness and disease, and are impacted by the rising costs of living more than those who live in the cities and large towns.
I'll see you at King George Square 12 noon Saturday week!
Forwarded from The Half-Time Speech
So I'm making my way up to Brisbane on the 29th October for this one. Never been to a Brisbane rally and when Mike Simms asked me to speak at the event I said of course.

The Millions March was the first big protests to take on the tyranny back in May 2020 and it was the first one I ever attended to march with my fellow Aussies.

If you're in the vicinity of Brisbane on the 29th October please come along and say hello.

I'll be joining Dr William Bay and Senator Malcolm Roberts.

Otherwise if you're in Sydney this Saturday I'll see you at Town Hall at 2pm for the March for Neutrality. Aussies are doing it tough on the streets yet Albo finds half a billion dollars to send overseas.

Forwarded from Reclaim The Line
The Millions March is back 29th October and looks like Brisbane is going to be the feature location! There are other locations which we will post soon.

Remember having great speakers means nothing without you the freedom warriors.

Hope to see you there Saturday October 29th!

Forwarded from Australiaforfreedom (Jay Hernandez)
Freedom protest in Brisbane ā¤ļø
Weā€™ve had to change the date to the 29th, but this event is still happening!!

If anybody would like to hold an event in their region PLEASE reach out and send us a message šŸ˜Š

What is ā€œThe Establishmentā€?

Establishment - Meaning: "social matrix of ruling people and institutions" - Is the persons** (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body FOR the purpose of administering something.

The stigmatized cognitive processā€¦

Its time!!! ALL Nations, ALL nationalities, ALL religions and ALL causes/groups NEED to stop the division, unification IS the ONLY way. We need to stand by one another -


The divide and conquer tactics have been going on for TOO long.. We are at a turning point. We will rise together and hold people accountable.

Millions March Against The Establishment

Saturday 29th October- Australia Wide

Media is too big
Itā€™s not normal!!!