🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

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تهدف هذه القناة إلى تحسين طلاقتك في تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية. تابعنا واستمتع برحلة التعلم!‌‌ This channel aims to enhance your English speaking fluency. Follow us and enjoy the learning journey!‌‌ بوت التواصل والاستفسار @Listen_Closelybot .
If what I said offended you, I apologize.😔
لو كان ما قلته ازعجك، فأنا أعتذر

🎧 #Listen_Closely
⋄ His speech held his audience spellbound .

كان لحدیثھ وقع السحر على مستمعیھ .

🎧 #Listen_Closely
Don't get me wrong 🙄.
لا تفهمني خطأ

🎧 #Listen_Closely
⋄ You must believe in yourself when no one else does.

يجب أن تؤمن بنفسك عندما لا يؤمن بك أي شخص آخر.

🎧 #Listen_Closely
What are you doing here?

ما الذي تفعله هنا؟

🎧 #Listen_Closely
Come on. I'm over here.

تـعال. أنـا هنـا .

🎧 #Listen_Closely
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⁵⁶🗣 Are you trying to + (verb)

You are asking someone if they are attempting to do something. This can be something mentally or physically.

Here are some examples:

Are you trying to ignore me?
هـل تحـاول أن تتجاهلني ؟

Are you trying to manage your money?
هـل تحـاول أن تـُدير أموالك؟

Are you trying to memorize that song?
هـل تحـاول حفظ تلك الأغنية؟

Are you trying to offer your help?
هـل تحـاول أن تقدم مساعدتك؟

Are you trying to program your new phone?
هـل تحـاول برمجة هاتفك الجديد؟

Are you trying to pretend like it never happened?
هـل تحـاول التظاهر وكأنه لم يحدث أبدا ؟

Are you trying to remain calm?
هـل تحـاول أن تبقى هادئ ؟

Are you trying to remember her name?
هـل تحـاول أن تذكر اسمها؟

✦ Are you trying to reflect on the past?
هـل تحـاول التفكير في الماضي ؟

✦ Are you trying to switch flights?
هـل تحـاول تبديل الرحلات ؟

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068-Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
🔊Audio file .MP3
29.45 MB

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━
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068-Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck.pdf
255.5 KB
068. Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
0.25 MB
⁵⁵🗣 How was + (noun)

By using the words 'how was' you are asking someone a question about something that happened or something they did in the past.

Here are some examples:

How was your meeting?
كيـف كانت مقابلتـك ؟

How was your doctor's appointment?
كيـف كان موعد طبيبك؟

How was the birthday party?
كيـف كانت حفلة عيد الميلاد؟

How was lunch?
كيـف كان الغداء ؟

How was the airplane ride?
كيـف كان ركوب الطائرة؟

How was vacation?
كيـف كانت العطلة ؟

How were your parents?
كيـف كان والديك؟

How were roads when you drove home?
كيـف كانت الطُـرق عندما قدت السيارة للمنزل ؟

How were people acting after what happened?
كيـف كان الناس يتصرفون بعد الواقعة؟

How were holidays with the family?
كيـف قضيت العـُطل مع العائلة؟

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🗣➓ Ways to Talk About Price

1. It cost a fortune.
2. It cost an arm and a leg.
3. That’s a rip-off. (⭕️= overpriced; far more expensive than it should be)
4. I can’t afford it. (⭕️= I don’t have enough money to buy it)
5. That’s a bit pricey.
6. That’s quite reasonable. (⭕️= it’s a good price)
7. It’s 20% off. (⭕️= there’s a 20% discount)
8. That’s a good deal. (⭕️= a good value for the amount of money)
9. It was a real bargain.
10. It was dirt cheap. (⭕️= extremely inexpensive)

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🗣15 Comparative Idioms

1. It’s as light as a feather.
2. It’s as dry as a bone.
3. It’s as flat as a pancake.
4. He’s as mad as a hornet.
5. It’s as old as the hills.
6. It’s as quick as lightning.
7. She’s as sick as a dog.
8. He’s as strong as an ox.
9. They’re as different as night and day.
10. She’s as stubborn as a mule.
11. He’s as proud as a peacock.
12. She’s as white as a sheet. (⭕️usually used when someone is very afraid or very sick)
13. It’s as solid as a rock.
14. It’s as good as new. (⭕️used after something broken has been repaired)
15. It’s as clear as mud. (⭕️= it’s not clear at all)

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⁵⁴🗣 How often do you

When asking this question you are inquiring how often or how frequent someone does a particular thing.

Here are some examples:

How often do you exercise?
كـم مـرة تمارس الرياضة ؟
How often do you change your password?
كـم مـرة تقوم بتغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك ؟

How often do you help out at school?
كـم مـرة تمـد يد العون في المدرسة؟

How often do you listen to your MP3 player?
كـم مـرة تستمع إلى مشغل الأم بي ثري الخاص بك ؟

How often do you need to go to the dentist?
كـم مـرة تحتاج للذهاب إلى طبيب الأسنان؟

How often do you receive your magazine in the mail?
كـم مـرة تستلم مجلتك في البريد؟

How often do you report to your supervisor?
كـم مـرة ترفع تقرير إلى المشرف الخاص بك ؟

How often do you stretch before working out?
كـم مـرة تمتـد قبل التدريب؟

How often do you talk to your parents?
كـم مـرة تتحدث إلى والديك؟

How often do you travel?
كـم مـرة تسافر؟

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قروبنا لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية👍
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乇メ ⤵️⤵️
The red high heels was very expensive.
الكعب العالي الأحمر كان مكلفاً للغاية.

🎧 #Listen_Closely
35‧ 🔊 High heels