โนย แณ ๐ เฃช Hello, blue's! ini adalah keterangan list kami, kedai dengan berbagai menu yang melayani kebutuhanmu!
Testi : @testiLeoatLe2
Jam kerja : 07.00 - 22.00
Order : @LEOATLE_bot
Laporan : @aduanleoatlebot
แณ โ๏ธ เฃช dengan segenap hormat kami, @LEOATLE
ใ ค ึธ ึโ โต๏ธโน the day had turned into morning, the birds chirping was clearly heard in one of the gathering places for the captain and his crew, Entering a pirate ship, and giving a sign that he would be ready to sail ๐ข๐ฃ๐๐ก and waiting for the sailors to join them or buy their treasure!
ใ ค ึธ ึโ โต๏ธโน the day had turned into morning, the birds chirping was clearly heard in one of the gathering places for the captain and his crew, Entering a pirate ship, and giving a sign that he would be ready to sail ๐ข๐ฃ๐๐ก and waiting for the sailors to join them or buy their treasure!
ใ ค ึธ ึโ โต๏ธโน the day had turned into morning, the birds chirping was clearly heard in one of the gathering places for the captain and his crew, Entering a pirate ship, and giving a sign that he would be ready to sail ๐ข๐ฃ๐๐ก and waiting for the sailors to join them or buy their treasure!
ใ ค ึธ ึโ โต๏ธโน the day had turned into morning, the birds chirping was clearly heard in one of the gathering places for the captain and his crew, Entering a pirate ship, and giving a sign that he would be ready to sail ๐ข๐ฃ๐๐ก and waiting for the sailors to join them or buy their treasure!
ใ ค ึธ ึโ โต๏ธโน the day had turned into morning, the birds chirping was clearly heard in one of the gathering places for the captain and his crew, Entering a pirate ship, and giving a sign that he would be ready to sail ๐ข๐ฃ๐๐ก and waiting for the sailors to join them or buy their treasure!
๐ SeLaMaT TaHuN BaRu DuA RiBu DuA LiMa ๐ฅณ wahhh, nggk terasa 2024 udah berakhir aja. gimana perjalanannya? capek ya? berat ya? don't worry. mimin doakan di tahun 2025 ini kita semua diberi kelancaran dalam hidup, selalu dilimpahkan rezekinya, sehat selalu, dan tentunya dilindungi di mana pun kita berada. AAMIIN... mari sambut tahun baru ini dengan penuh suka cita. โค๏ธ