hai, ini Geara. gak kerasa banget ya udah 9 bulan kaiyo realm berdiri, tinggal 3 bulan lagi kaiyo realm udah 1 tahun berdiri, tapi aku gak bisa terus-terusan urus kaiyo realm atau adm-adm nya, aku udah sibuk banget sama real life aku 😢 emang alasannya classic, tapi jujur kok aku bener-bener terpaksa harus bubarin kaiyo realm karena aku harus nepatin janji-janji ku di kelas 1-3 s- s apa ya? aku udah buat janji sebelum naik kelas aku di bulan kedepan taun 2022 ini, jadi aku harus nepatin janji itu 😋 aku mutusin buat bubarin aja kaiyo realm karena kesibukan aku, yang lain gak ada yang mau gantiin owner 😢 pada gak setuju jugaaa jadi aku bubarin aja deh, soalnya ada dua keputusan, yang satu ambil alih owner yang dua bubar. tentu yang lain milih yang dua, jadi kita bubarin deh, gitu ceritanya, hehe.. "kenapa gak rest aja?" "kenapa gak hiat aja?" aku bakal hapus telegram, jadi aku gak akan ada hubungan lagi sama telegram, kecuali kalau ada tugas yang bener-bener harus download telegram lagi, itu pun cuma buat tugas, ba aku juga aku tinggalin 😢 sedih ya? yang kayak aku gini tetap semangat ya :D so, terimakasih banyak udah nemenin kaiyo realm dari awal sampai akhir, kata-kata terimakasih gak cukup!!! makasih banyak ya, admin, para subs kaiyo realm, makasih dan maaf banget kalau kaiyo realm banyak kekurangannya, maaf buat request yang belum terpenuhi, aku bener-bener minta maaf sama makasih buat kalian 🥺 kedepannya kalau aku ada waktu atau udah lulus aku bakal ulang dari awal, bangun kaiyo realm yang udah terbengkalai ini, tapi gak janji! sekali lagi makasih ya, dan maaf, see u!
#진주 ୨♡୧ There is a lovely cat who lives in the same city as me, I was wondering where the cat wants to go, so I followed the cat. And finally I arrived to @KaiyoRealm, Cat Cafe! I smell a lot of yum yum food and I ordered my favorite menu, Kala Maharani icons Edit! ♡´• ᵕ •`♡ There was also a qt cattys who greeted me at the door!
#바다 ୨♡୧ There is a lovely cat who lives in the same city as me, I was wondering where the cat wants to go, so I followed the cat. And finally I arrived to @KaiyoRealm, Cat Cafe! I smell a lot of yum yum food and I ordered my favorite menu,Shirasagi Chisato Sticker! ♡´• ᵕ •`♡ There was also a qt cattys who greeted me at the door!
#진주 ୨♡୧ There is a lovely cat who lives in the same city as me, I was wondering where the cat wants to go, so I followed the cat. And finally I arrived to @KaiyoRealm, Cat Cafe! I smell a lot of yum yum food and I ordered my favorite menu, Yoisaki Kanade Classy Icons! ♡´• ᵕ •`♡ There was also a qt cattys who greeted me at the door!
#바다 ୨♡୧ There is a lovely cat who lives in the same city as me, I was wondering where the cat wants to go, so I followed the cat. And finally I arrived to @KaiyoRealm, Cat Cafe! I smell a lot of yum yum food and I ordered my favorite menu, Suzune Miyamama Stickers! ♡´• ᵕ •`♡ There was also a qt cattys who greeted me at the door!
#진주 ୨♡୧ There is a lovely cat who lives in the same city as me, I was wondering where the cat wants to go, so I followed the cat. And finally I arrived to @KaiyoRealm, Cat Cafe! I smell a lot of yum yum food and I ordered my favorite menu, Esdeath icons Edit! ♡´• ᵕ •`♡ There was also a qt cattys who greeted me at the door!