Human Rights Abuse on Telegram by GRT : When prisoners have more right than innocent not criminal people - Real crime shame

Logo of the Telegram channel Human Rights Abuse on Telegram by GRT : When prisoners have more right than innocent not criminal people - Real crime shame
By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels - @UtoyaMassaker @AndersBehringBreivikTelegram @BreivikDeathSentence @BreivikHumanRights @BreivikBullshit @RecidivismFacts @ParoleFacts @LearnWithNorway @BreivikErrors
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Siden de første undersøkelsene i 1996 har antallet bostedsløse i Norge blitt redusert med hele 46 prosent, forteller Dyb.

Da var det om lag 1,5 bostedsløse per 1 000 innbyggere i landet. Størstedelen av nedgangen har skjedd siden 2012.

Since the first surveys in 1996, the number of homeless people in Norway has been reduced by as much as 46 per cent, says Dyb.

At that time, there were approximately 1.5 homeless people per 1,000 inhabitants in the country. The majority of the decline has occurred since 2012.

Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim og Stavanger har i snitt 1,09 bostedsløse per 1 000 innbyggere

Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Stavanger have an average of 1.09 homeless people per 1,000 inhabitants.

Kvinneandelen har økt litt, men fremdeles i 2020 er 71 prosent menn og 29 prosent er kvinner, forteller Dyb.

The proportion of women has increased slightly, but still in 2020, 71 per cent are men and 29 per cent are women, says Dyb.

Jeg er mindre verdt enn søppel
I'm worth less than trash.

Sammen med 3300 bostedsløse i Norge kjemper Malin og Jan Egil mot systemet. De holder til i Bergen. Ingen storby i Norge har flere bostedsløse i forhold til antall innbyggere.

Together with 3,300 homeless people in Norway, Malin and Jan Egil fight against the system. They are based in Bergen. No big city in Norway has more homeless people in relation to the number of inhabitants.

Malin sier hun har ventet på kommunal bolig lenge - Malin says she has been waiting for municipal housing for a long time

På landsbasis mener man nå at det er et lite problem.De det gjelder, er ikke enig.

On a national basis, people now believe that it is a small problem. Those concerned do not agree.

Kommunen mangler botilbud til dem som trenger det aller mest, sier Trond Stigen, seksjonssjef for bolig og områdesatsing i Bergen kommune.

The municipality lacks housing for those who need it the most, says Trond Stigen, section manager for housing and area investment in Bergen municipality.
An analysis of the situation across Europe (see Figure 6) reveals the following overall pattern: five countries (BA, BG, ME, MK, TR, XK) report a lack of any type of prevention services, whereas in 15 countries (AL, CY, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, PL, PT, RO, SK) only very limited provision is available. Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland and Slovakia report certain preventative measures which cannot be considered as extensive mechanisms, whereas in nine countries (AT, BE, DE, DK, FI, NL, SE, SI, UK) national experts describe more elaborate and comprehensive systems for preventing homelessness.

The Finnish expert reports that, especially in the big cities, the need for reasonably priced rental housing is not being met.

In Portugal, according to the expert, the national homelessness strategy’s allocated budget for the first two years seems to leave very little room for enhancing housing- focused support services

In a small number of countries (e.g. EL, ES, LT, SK), national experts report hindrances related to the absence of funding mechanisms to underpin the implementation of existing strategies to address HHE.

Av de 1.581 personen med oppgitt utdanningsniva i 2020 har 30 prosent kun grunnskole. Av disse har 3,4 prosent ikke fulført grunnskole (sla tt sammen med grunnskole i tabell 2.5). 14 prosent har fullført viderega ende skole og 3 prosent har en høgskole- eller universitetsgrad.

Of the 1,581 people with a stated level of education in 2020, 30 per cent only have primary school. Of these, 3.4 per cent have not completed primary school (combined with primary school in table 2.5). 14 percent have completed upper secondary school and 3 percent have a college or university degree.

3% = 48 people with an university degree! (just as example for those saying bullshit like
In Ireland, the most recent homelessness count (week of March 25-31, 2019) recorded a total of 6,484 adults and 3,821 children (58% of homeless adult men and 42% women); this amounted to 1,733 families, of which 59% are single parents with children.

According to the 2017 national survey in Sweden, 38% of the homeless population
(covering categories 1 to 6 of ETHOS-Light) were women; additionally, almost half of the homeless people included in the 2017 survey lived in different types of long-term housing organised by the Social Services.

In 2018, in the Brussels Capital Region, among the nearly 300 people sleeping rough, 84% were men, although there is evidence of an increase in the number of women between 2017 and 2018.

The German national expert reports an increase of 64.8% in the extent of homelessness between 2006 and 2016

The Dutch national expert reports a 71.3% rise in homelessness between 2009 and 2016 (from 17,800 to 30,500 people), based on a 2018 report produced by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

In Sweden, homelessness figures rose from 17,834 individuals in 2005 to 33,269 in 2017, i.e. a rise of 86.5% in about one decade

In nine countries (CY, EE, HU, LT, LV, MT, SI, BA, ME), ESPN experts report the lack of any specific approach to homelessness, either an approach targeted at HHE or as part of any other broader existing strategy.

In a significant number of countries (e.g. AT, DE, DK, EE, ES, IT, NL, PL, RO, SE, SK, AL, XK), national experts refer to considerable differences in funding capacity between different municipalities and/or regions

Evidence on insufficient and/or inadequate funding in relation to existing (often increasing) needs form the bulk of the descriptions (e.g. BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LV, MT, PL, PT, RO, SI, UK, AL, BA, MK, RS, TR, XK) made by national experts in assessing their country’s position in relation to the adequacy of funding mechanisms to address HHE
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Behind mass murderer sues Norway over prison isolation - Breivik human rights fight against Norwegian and request for parole

🙅‍♂️ @ParoleFacts for serious criminals
🙅‍♂️ @HumanRightAbuse for serious criminals
@DeathSentenceNOW for serious criminals
@BreivikDeathSentence for Anders Behring Breivik
🙅‍♂️ @ShittyLaws @LawsTelegram @HumanRightsChecklist

🙅‍♂️ @BreivikBullshit @LearnWithNorway and fighting for Wenche Breivik human rights! 🙅‍♂️@BreivikCrimes

Stop abusing human rights in the wrong way!
En helt nødvendig rettssak

An absolutely necessary trial 🤦‍♂️

Rettssaken vil vare i fem dager og finne sted i gymsalen i Ringerike fengsel, på grunn av behovet for streng sikkerhet. Det er også den viktigste forklaringen på soningsforholdene terroristen soner under.

The trial will last five days and take place in the gymnasium of Ringerike prison, due to the need for strict security. It is also the most important explanation for the prison conditions under which the terrorist is serving his sentence.

Who is paying such no sense process? Obviously the population ... like said previously

En rettssak er likevel helt nødvendig. I den liberale rettsstaten skal alle borgere være like for loven. Breivik må derfor ha de samme muligheter til å prøve sin sak som alle andre fanger.

A trial is nevertheless absolutely necessary. In the liberal rule of law, all citizens must be equal before the law. Breivik must therefore have the same opportunities to try his case as all other prisoners.

It's time to stop such abuse of rights!

Særlig når staten bruker sterke tvangsmidler, er muligheten til å kontrollere disse viktig. At også terrorister har denne muligheten, er et bevis på at rettsstaten virker.

Especially when the state uses strong means of coercion, the ability to control these is important. That terrorists also have this opportunity is proof that the rule of law works.

NOPE, it doesn't work! It works like shit! Just think your prisons without proper 🚧

Or how you shitty sentence rapers!

Without considering other bullshits / errors