🔻 ارتكبت طائرات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي مجزرة أخرى بعد استهدافها مجموعة من المدنيين الفلسطينيين في حي التفاح بغزة، وهذا قبل أن يدخل اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار حيز التنفيذ.
🔻 The Israeli occupation Fighter jets have committed another massacre by targeting a group of Palestinian civilians in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza, prior to the implementation of the ceasefire agreement.
🔻 ما ذنب هؤلاء الأطفال أن يعيشوا أهوال الحرب من قتل وتشريد وحصار وأن يُحرموا من أبسط مقومات الحياة ؟ كم كانت هذه الحرب قاسية عليهم ومازادتهم إلا حبًا ووفاءً لوطنهم.
🔻 What is the fault of these children to live through the horrors of war—death, siege—and to be deprived of the simplest necessities of life? This war was so harsh on them, yet it only deepened their love and loyalty to their homeland.
🔻 Your pain, O small one, is a stain of shame on those who hesitated or abandoned you to face the flames of the killers while they were able to help and did nothing.
🔻 Since the announcement of the ceasefire in Gaza: 116 killed, including 30 children and 32 women, and 264 injured. These numbers reflect the moral depravity of this defeated entity.
🔻 يستمر بنو إسرائيل بقصف غزة ويكثفوا القصف والضربات ليقتلوا أكبر قدر ممكن من إخواننا في غزة وذلك قبل عقد اتفاق الهدنة، ولكن مهما قصفوا فنهايتهم باتت واضحة.
🔻 The Israelites continue bombing Gaza, intensifying their strikes to kill as many as possible before a truce agreement is reached. However, no matter how much they bomb, their end has become clear.
🔻 For 15 months, the Israeli occupier has been committing massacres and genocide against the Palestinian people, supported by a shameful international backing that is condemned and rejected by their own peoples.
🔻 The voice of truth will prevail, whether they like it or not. Gaza has exposed the reality of a world that claims to support freedom, revealing how tyrannical, oppressive, and intolerant it truly is.