📖 辉煌! SHIMMER: PHOBEOUS TINS XIʼs Saccharine—Treatise
28th Euphonious &. Soulful
“Greatest one.” The luminescence penetrating between
thickness of curtain inspects solemnly:
when match set commence descended
and took safeguarding in instantaneous
night the din sounded so cacophonous.
Oddments twixt Spherical: Owe
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⭐️ @degemFlora 🀣.
Oddments twixt Heavens: Owe
The Stars, Admin. ── •
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◌. Bracelets ; ﹙a brilliance, visible﹚ .. when resplendence was perceivable again from the swift current. the matching tootsie with star bracelets seem to be promenade metacarpus with the current as roar waves was like an old poem written by a poet.