Wir müssen nicht Teil der Europäischen Union sein, um Handelsvorteile zu erhalten! 🙅‍♂️Migrationsmissbrauch, bessere Gesetze

Логотип телеграм канала Wir müssen nicht Teil der Europäischen Union sein, um Handelsvorteile zu erhalten! 🙅‍♂️Migrationsmissbrauch, bessere Gesetze
By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels @FactsTelegramFreaks More @HumanRightsChecklist @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights @LawsTelegram @MissionPlaneta
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Plus again, how you do such stats Pew Research Center .... WE NEVER GOT ANY REQUEST FROM YOU! ...

Young European more favorable? Do you mean young European are more favorable to import their DVD / Blu-Ray / Books, Sex Toys, Food, HDD / SSD, Proteins, etc. GRATIS from Europe ... because otherwise you need to pay

Well, from this point of view we are pro too! but thinking about all other things for sure NOPE! and free import = no control = illegality! so NOPE again ... this just promote crimes ...

So yes, is a shit to pay tons of CHF to import things ... but ...

Yes, SURE! 🇪🇺 is synonym of peace ... "same laws", same electrical outlets, etc., but ... this could be done even in a different way ...

Currently, the euro (€) is the official currency of 20 out of 27 EU member countries which together constitute the Eurozone, officially called the euro area

No Euro: Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden https://perma.cc/2LB6-UYQT

"strengthened because of economic integration have a favorable view of the EU" can even be done without asking that all EU deal package "need to be respected" ...

and this is still related to free transit of people and goods ... you can do the same with a controlled transit.

4. The European Union https://perma.cc/BZ5N-F7KZ

People broadly view the EU favorably, both in member states and elsewhere https://perma.cc/CW7C-4KNN

The Schengen area is made up of 27 European countries that agreed to create common entry and exit requirements in order to remove the need for internal borders: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland https://perma.cc/HP8Y-PFA6

Temporary Reintroduction of Border Control https://perma.cc/P7C7-BBE7

Voor- en nadelen van de EU https://perma.cc/282T-LJUB
🇪🇺 "Religion, represented by churches, religious communities and other actors, is also a significant factor in the protection and promotion of human rights, both in the world and in the European Union.

🤣 EU, WTF? Ok that we wrote "religion is ok and not the source of all problems", but seeing religion as a protection of human rights is A BULLSHIT AT LEVEL 100!


so not only 🇪🇺 is shit, because
a) countries need to pay you money, and they see such money end in other countries ...
where is the goal? only to help poor countries?! Where is the goal to give you money and them receive it back? ... It's the same shit like Christmas ... I give you 100 CHF but you give me a 100 CHF ... WTF ... No sense ... Ok when you are a kid, but otherwise is just bullshit.

b) there is NO control of the people, or at least reduced!

c) there is NO really single political decision by a country but is to "make 🇪🇺 happy", what 🇨🇭, 🇳🇴, 🇮🇸 don't want at all!
and we don't want that too!

d) there is just Euro ... Euro ... We remember when we needed to pay 1.5 CHF ... now is 0.94! in few years is 0.1?! Reason why 🇳🇱 want to say no! and AfD too ...

e) the only good point is the free transit of goods ... BUT remember even goods should be controlled! So how exactly is this a benefit ... to allow illegal wildlife / etc. transit?!


Wer öffentlich gegen eine Person oder eine Gruppe von Personen wegen ihrer Rasse, Ethnie, Religion oder sexuellen Orientierung zu Hass oder zu Diskriminierung aufruft —> wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren (3) https://perma.cc/Q76N-MUCJ
In summary:

🙅‍♂️ 🇮🇸 Iceland to EU 💩!

🙅‍♂️ 🇨🇭 Switzerland to EU 💩!

🙅‍♂️ 🇳🇴 Norway to EU 💩!

🙅‍♂️ 🇹🇷 Turkey to 🇪🇺!

🙅‍♂️ 🇦🇱 Albania to 🇪🇺!

🇳🇱 could even start to go away from 🇪🇺 too, since they are always the 🐑🖤 but in this case they follow the mass

🇧🇬 The U.S. government estimates the total population at 6.9 million (midyear 2022). According to the 2021 census (the most recent), 69.5 percent of the population identifies as Eastern Orthodox Christian, primarily affiliated with the BOC. The census reports Muslims, the second largest religious group, are 10.7 percent of the population. Nearly 95 percent of Muslims reported being Sunni; most of the remainder are Shia, and there is a small number of Ahmadis concentrated in Blagoevgrad https://perma.cc/JW48-PVWX

🙅‍♂️ Discrimination 🙅‍♂️Breivik-mania 🙅‍♂️☪️fobia

but even 🙅‍♂️ allowing crimes against rights done by religion!
without forgetting that even ⛪️ is a crime!
Turkey 🇹🇷 part of Europe 🇪🇺? NOPE and NEVER!

It's even not Europe on the map ... !!!

The Council is especially concerned about the continuing and deeply worrying backsliding on the rule of law and on fundamental rights including the freedom of expression. The deterioration of the independence and functioning of the judiciary cannot be condoned, nor can the on-going restrictions, detentions, imprisonments, and other measures targeting journalists, academics, members of political parties including parliamentarians, human rights defenders, social media users and others exercising their fundamental rights and freedoms. The Council reiterates its grave concerns over these negative developments, as well as over the continued detention of EU citizens, including two Greek soldiers. Turkey needs to urgently and effectively address these and the many other serious shortcomings and outstanding issues identified in the Commission's report. Turkey should also step up its cooperation with the Council of Europe and its relevant bodies and institutions, address their key recommendations and implement all judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in line with Article 46 of the ECHR. The Council specifically notes that the latest amendments to the Turkish Constitution were critically assessed by the Venice Commission as lacking sufficient checks and balances and endangering the separation of powers.
Turkey 🇹🇷 Islam ☪️ Human Right Fact Check Final

Part 2 https://t.me/IsraelWarWomenRights/148

This just about LGBT, without talking all other things that we haven't investigate in details, because 🇹🇷 rights are not our main interest. We fight for all human rights, but we investigate especially missing human rights in 🇪🇺 and 🇺🇸 / 🇺🇸🇪🇸, not asiatic countries ... even if we are launching some small project in Asia too ...

The actual area of Turkey inclusive of its lakes, is 814,578 square kilometres, of which 790,200 are in Asia and 24,378 are located in Europe https://perma.cc/MNW7-32S4

Yes, Turkey IS ASIA!!! exactly like Israel 🇮🇱 is Asia too! and will never be part of 🇪🇺 Europe! https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/166

One thing is sure, please tell less shit about 🇹🇷 did things before 🇪🇺! and that 🇹🇷 is respecting human rights (or animal rights ...). If already such things are not respected in our 🇪🇺 countries, that still have better laws ... even if they are still shit

Like we said previously, YES TURKEY IS BETTER THAN OTHER ARAB COUNTRIES but not perfect ... and still based on Islam, which is a problematic religion for human rights!

Again, we respect people following Islam things, BUT ONLY IF THEY RESPECT OTHER HUMAN / ANIMAL RIGHTS!

About ☪️ dress code

About our support with 🇮🇷

Like we support 🇮🇱 and 🇵🇸

like no one in the planet, since no one is sharing true science and facts, if not bullshit personal opinions ... if we exclude human rights and other activism organisation ... or scientists / scientific journalists