EXPLOSIVE: “Watch The Water” Covid Bombshell EXCLUSIVE!
In a Stew Peters Network exclusive, Dr. Bryan Ardis, D.C has a shocking discovery to share about the great lie of the pandemic, involving the drinking water, the evil snake connection, and a tie to the first enemy of the Body of Christ.
The demons running this show must be laughing their asses off. This guy is making us beg to have Jimmy Carter back in office. The democrat party is unrecoverable and must be flushed into the septic system of history.
When I saw this all I could think was... ‘they don’t need so many of us anymore’, technology has taken over and it’s easier to control than humans. This is why they want to get rid of a couple of billion people, the rest will be connected to the internet of bodies. No longer humans but controlled transhumans. Mr Schwab’s dream come true. Lets ruin it for him shall we?