The fun activities that were carried out during these two days were very memorable. Thank you to all GHS students who have participated in enlivening this event. This is the aftermovie of these two days of activities, hopefully they will become unforgettable memories.
/Take the certificate ; look at the audience ; make a curious face ; laugh softly ; take a breath then read aloud the winner/
Congratulations to Lala for being the 3rd winner in the " Menebak mencangkup seluruh warga GHS " game! Thank you for participating in our event and please take the prize to the bot listed above.
/Hand over the certificate to @lovindU ; give a warm smile while shaking hands ; claps/
/Take the certificate ; look at the audience ; make a curious face ; laugh softly ; take a breath then read aloud the winner/
Congratulations to chuji for being the 2nd winner in the " Menebak mencangkup seluruh warga GHS " game! Thank you for participating in our event and please take the prize to the bot listed above.
/Hand over the certificate to @iBae_suji ; give a warm smile while shaking hands ; claps/
/Take the certificate ; look at the audience ; make a curious face ; laugh softly ; take a breath then read aloud the winner/
Congratulations to Evenoura for being the 1st winner in the "Menebak mencangkup seluruh warga GHS" game! Thank you for participating in our event and please take the prize to the bot listed above.
/Hand over the certificate to @iEvenoura ; give a warm smile while shaking hands ; claps/
/Take the certificate ; look at the audience ; make a curious face ; laugh softly ; take a breath then read aloud the winner/
Congratulations to Joyye for being the 3rd winner in the " Kemana Dia Terbang " game! Thank you for participating in our event and please take the prize to the bot listed above.
/Hand over the certificate to @qHwangvYeji ; give a warm smile while shaking hands ; claps/
/Take the certificate ; look at the audience ; make a curious face ; laugh softly ; take a breath then read aloud the winner/
Congratulations to Naje for being the 2nd winner in the " Kemana Dia Terbang " game! Thank you for participating in our event and please take the prize to the bot listed above.
/Hand over the certificate to @zRadius ; give a warm smile while shaking hands ; claps/
/Take the certificate ; look at the audience ; make a curious face ; laugh softly ; take a breath then read aloud the winner/
Congratulations to Dean for being the 1st winner in the " Kemana Dia Terbang " game! Thank you for participating in our event and please take the prize to the bot listed above.
/Hand over the certificate to @dean_vno ; give a warm smile while shaking hands ; claps/
Bener banget. Temen temen kalo lagi ngerasa ga baik baik cerita aja ya, bisa ke temen, atau bikin diary, biar lebih lega hatinya. Jangan di pendem sendiri, kasian batin kamunya.
Nah yaudah lanjut aja ya ke acara selanjutnya yang paling di tunggu nih, yaitu pembagian hadiah dan sertifikat.
Hmm setelah bacain keluh kesah dan cerita temen temen semua ternyata banyak yang ceritanya hampir mirip mirip yaa. Ternyata ga semua orang yang keliatan happy beneran happy behind the screen. Kadang sifat ceria sering kali jadi kamuflase manusia biar tetap terlihat baik baik aja di depan kita semua.
Semoga temen temen semua ngerasa lebih lega ya setelah cerita di event ini.
Keren banget penampilannya ya, bisa nih debut solo hahah. Oke acara selanjutnya yaitu pengiriman template. Cerita temen temen semua bakal di kirim, kita baca satu satu yuk.
Hayo udah pada kirim template nya belumm? Kapan lagi kann kita bisa keluh kesan gini? Ayo kirim template nya sekarang, keluhin apa aja yang mau kalian keluhin, atau sekedar cerita cerita aja gapapa.