Concerned Citizen - Australia

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⚠️Militants have been recruited by groups like the Azov Battalion, a far-right nationalist Ukrainian paramilitary and political movement.

⚠️Azov was absorbed into the Ukrainian national guard in 2014

Wow. Even the Washington Post are starting to report on the truth....
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
Just when you thought Dan Andrews was the worst Aussie politician.
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
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Putin says the US funded (and operated) biolabs in Ukraine experimented with strains of Coronavirus, Anthrax, Cholera, African pig plague and others.

The Russian president says that the Pentagon was creating components of biological weapons right next to Russia.

No wonder the West frantically banned RT, the people deserve to hear both sides of the story and make up their own mind.
Forwarded from Adams Economics (John Adams)
Media is too big
Protesters dropping truth bomb on Ukraine at the gates of Scomo's house in Sydney!"😲🇷🇺🇺🇦

⚠️🇦🇺Australians protest at Prime Minister Scott Minister's House at Kirribilli in Sydney under heavy police guard.
Forwarded from Battlefield Insights
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Residents of Mariupol who flee the city through Russian checkpoints are being searched for tattoos with Nazi symbols.

The refugees support such security measures themselves.

Women and children are not being checked. The resident himself says he fully supports the check because Mariupol is full of nazis.
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Moscovites hold a huge patriotic rally in support of the Russian peacekeeping operation

An estimated 130 000 people attended.

The MSM fake news will never show this
Forwarded from Chief Nerd
Media is too big
Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson shares the data integrity issues she saw in the COVID-19 vaccine trial

Full Interview:

Forwarded from MATT LAWSON'S COMMUNITY (Matt Chuck)
Damn straight!!!
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Very Telling ☝️Putin:

“I want ordinary citizens of Western states to hear me too. They are now trying to convince you that all your difficulties are the result of some hostile actions of Russia. That from your wallet you need to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. It's all a lie!

And the truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of years of actions by the ruling elites in the West. Their mistakes, myopia and ambitions. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens, they are obsessed with their selfish interests and super profits.”

Forwarded from MATT LAWSON'S COMMUNITY (Matt Chuck)
I’ll be there. Will you?
The current US administration is a rotten, stinking cesspit of filth and scumbags.
It appears to be the same in all western governments now, but the Bidens would have to be the worst of them all.

Agree or disagree? 🤷🏻‍♂️👇
Forwarded from RT News
Russia Promises more Ukraine Biolabs Disclosures

The Russian Defense Ministry will reveal more documented evidence of Pentagon-backed biolabs in Ukraine, which Moscow believes may have been involved in bioweapons research.

MoD spokesman Igor Konashenkov claimed documents detail “implementation by the US in Ukraine of a secret project to study the ways humans can be infected from bats,” carried out in Kharkov, but didn’t specify how or why the project could be considered of a military nature.

US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has previously sworn under oath that the Ukrainian labs in question were destroying research materials to avoid them falling into Russian hands.

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Forwarded from RT News
France Alarmed As Soldiers Leave for Ukraine — report

Authorities are reportedly concerned with some soldiers leaving France to fight in Ukraine.

According to the l'Humanité paper, many of the volunteers apparently are “ultra radical Nazi sympathizers”.

Furthermore, several soldiers of the French Foreign Legion are currently absent without leave, and suspected to have deserted to join combat in Ukraine.

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The so-called ‘’fully Vaccinated’’ desperately need access to Ivermectin, otherwise more will continue to die.

But our bureaucrats are so pig-headed, they’d rather see people die than admit they were wrong and that Ivermectin saves lives.
Aaaaand some will still get number 4 🤦🏻‍♂️💉💉💉💉🆘😕🤷🏻‍♂️
Forwarded from Fanosthevoice
Nothing to see here folks!

Just another conspiracy theorist claim being proven a reality once again. Where allegations were made that they were and still are purposely underreporting vaccine adverse reaction and deaths. 😒😡
