Behind Amnesty Fake Homicide Facts : There is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime it's the opposite instead

Logo of the Telegram channel Behind Amnesty Fake Homicide Facts : There is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime it's the opposite instead
By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels - @DeathSentenceBullshit @BreivikDeathSentence @RecidivismFacts @LearnWithNorway @DeathSentenceNOW @DeathExecutionMethod @ShittyDeathSentences @DeathSentenceFAQ
To first message
Since 2012, many states and Canada have legalized the use and sale of recreational marijuana. One of the expected benefits of the legalization is that the establishment of a legal cannabis market would eliminate the black market which has been the main form of marijuana trade for decades.

Black market of marijuana != black market is fixed (especially for those who wish a combination legal + illegal! and not using just marijuana....)

Even though legal options are available for marijuana producers and consumers, the black market is still thriving in states where recreational marijuana has been legalized.

Lastly, future policies should also pay more attention to cracking down persistent illegal growers and sellers and organized crime groups who are unwilling to participate the legal market.

Obviously, because if they do illegal things not related to cannabis, governments know exactly who they are! 🤦‍♂️ We would refuse such things too, if we were criminals.

Competitors from the illegal segment of unlicensed businesses, who are not subject to any of these restrictions, continue to grow, process and sell cannabis in a parallel market that still includes many consumers in California. Legalize recreational use in 2016. But in just the past year, the state reported several massive illegal cannabis busts!
Corona Infokanal, or Cannabis Infokanal?

so our politicians can use such drugs too!

‘This is another revolution’: could legalisation of cannabis transform Mexico’s economy? 🤣 ... more profitable than rice, corn or sugar

Let we make money with cannabis, like we do with 🚬, 🥃, ⚰️, 🐥, 🌴, 🦈, 👩‍🚀, etc.

Sure, from one point better poor people get money with that, instead of criminals ...
Se deveria volver a legalisar la pena de muerte en chile? - One to one with Chile - Death Penalty FAQ Part 6

Part 1

As an indication of the present thinking of the Government even after the 2012 amendments, Law Minister Shanmugam was quoted as favouring the death penalty for those who rape or sexually assault women, resulting in the victim’s death , and for those who hurt a child and the child dies, unless the accused can prove why there should not be such a penalty in these cases (Hoe 2014).

So University of Oxford, even this story about asiatic countries is bullshit!

Singapore executions where high in 1995, crimes decreased ... For Hong Kong
for Australia / Canada

So again, it's complex! multiple factor influence such things!

Let we continue

Si, pena de muerte para los reincidentes. A veces uno ve en las noticias que hay delincuentes con más de 100 condenas y que pasan por la puerta giratoria. Ellos no creo que puedan ( ni quieran) rehabilitarse. En esos casos debiera haber, por último a la 50ª condena, automáticamente pena de muerte.

Yes, death penalty for repeat offenders. Sometimes you see on the news that there are criminals with more than 100 convictions and they go through the revolving door. I don't think they can (or want to) rehabilitate themselves. In these cases there should be, finally, at the 50th conviction, the death penalty automatically.

🙅‍♂️ is not about repeat offenders, but about deep of the crime, suicides related to the crime, recidivism, etc.

You cannot compare hate terrorism with stealing 5 iPhone 🤦‍♂️ ...
Se deveria volver a legalisar la pena de muerte en chile? - One to one with Chile - Death Penalty FAQ Part 5

Part 1

Medical costs associated with homicide are estimated at $7600 per victim, or a total of $4.5 million per annum, with lost earnings accounting for the greatest proportion of the total cost.

DO WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT MEDICAL COST AND OTHER THINGS WITH A RAPE??!! which will take years or never to be fixed!!!

Second, homicide comprises a variety of offenders and victims in different social settings. Homicide is committed by different people under different sets of pressures or circumstances!!!!

Homicide typologies were developed according to the primary relationship between the victim and offender, and then the circumstances sur- rounding the crime. For example, the circumstances in which a teenager kills her abusive parent are vastly different from those where a neighbor kills a neighbor in the course of a spontaneous dispute.

Many people who commit murder have never offended previously and are not likely to again.
Exactly, if you killed your "hated bad dad, you did your job" ... no reason why you need to kill your mother ... but again, it's complex ...

This is not the case for mass hate crimes!

Amnesty (1991) "The death penalty is mandatory for murder in Hong Kong but the Governor has invariably commuted death sentences. The last execution was carried out in 1965"

University of Oxford "A study comparing murder rates in Singapore, which uses the death penalty for murder, with Hong Kong, which has abolished the death penalty, shows no difference in murder rates since executions ended in Hong Kong 30 years ago"

Perfect, between 1965 and ban there was HUGE 📉 and 📈 🤦‍♂️ which doesn't show ANYTHING!

Plus how can you compare two states, if there are so many difference between them, not related to death penalty at all ...